I tell you, this job is not an easy one! I don't think I can come up with 7 nominee's because I want them to be special and I'm so new here. But here goes ~
#1 Bumblebee Baby Creations @ bumblebeebabycreations.blogspot.com ~ They are a fairly new business, run by a woman who describes herself as a mother, grandmother and a friend ~ what more could you ask. The site has some of the cutest gift ideas for children around (second to my site of course;).
#2 Kidz Talk @ mykidzgotstyle.blogspot.com ~ This interested blog has articles about children in today's world ~ nothing is sugar coated, just the truth. There are also articles about updates to the Missing Children's Act and one on a missing elderly couple. I find these types of blogs some of the most interesting to read.
#3 Stampin' Chica @ stampinchica.blogspot.com ~ This blog is written by a wonderful woman named Cindy who just loves to stamp - making cards and scrapbooking. She has taken the readers from first setting up her craft room, then through her daily card stampings and is sure to remind us every chance she gets that she adores her son! Her last post was about she and a friend doing the Chicago 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk (60 miles). There were pictures of everyone staying in their pink tents and she even shared her very blistered feet pics with us along with stories for each day. I find people like this very inspirational and you can just feel her zest for life through her artwork and her writings.
#4 My Goodness Baby @ mygoodnessbaby.blogspot.com ~ This blog is hosted by a woman known as "Mom" and she has several websites that she promotes such as Bella Baby Art and My Goodness Duds. Both stores are great ~ of course BBA carries adorable art for children's rooms and MGD's has a large selection of wonderful baby items including a nice line of organic clothing. Mom's blog page is full of promotions for other WAHM's sites and crafters. She also has a lot of giveaways and contests ~ who doesn't love getting something for free??
So this is my list of blogs that I've chosen. For the nominee's, here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
6 years ago
Sandi.. I feel so honored. Thank you so much for nominating me. I'll have to put the award up tonight when I get home tonight. Sometimes I think my site doesn't get viewed often and then I get this wonderful comment. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
You're very welcome. I was wondering if you sell your stampin cards and scrapbooking items that you make?
Thank you so much for nominating me.It is quite and honor.Where do What is it I need to put on my blog?
Hey Sandi:
Thank you so much. I am thrilled an honored. I suppose now I'll really have to keep up with my postings. Stay tuned because there are a lot of new issues coming up for discussion. Thanks again. The only question I now have is where to get the link to place on my site? By the way, I also have another blog at wwwmykidzgotstyle.blogspot.com. Here I review some really nifty and unique merchandise for infants and children.
Hey Sandi - My email is skrmom247@aol.com. I see for CTMH for scrapbooking and yes I sell my cards too. Let me know if you see something you like.
All the info you need is on my blog. Just copy the "award" photo and paste it onto your blog and go from there. Don't forget to add my blog to your blogroll. Thanks guys,
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