Saturday, August 9, 2008

An Introduction To Our Enchanted Children

Our Enchanted Children came into being out of my love for children and my desire to open a business that would allow me to be a stay at home Grandmother for my grandson Hunter. I have always loved handmade and personalized items and feel that if they are quality made, they will be treasured by those that receive them for not only their lifetime but for many lifetimes. I always assumed I would open a brick and mortar store here in my hometown of Annapolis but after working in the Real Estate field I realized that would'nt work. As my age creeped up on me I threw caution to the wind and decided to open an online web store and carry as many handmade and unique items as I could find. I began to search the web looking for what I consider to be some of the best children's items and put them all under one web store roof ~ Our Enchanted Children. It also made me feel good to know that I was helping other stay at home mothers, fathers, grandparents, etc. fulfill their dreams of working from home doing what they love. I also found many organic items to offer for the earth and children friendly consumers. Again, it was an ego boost for me to know that I, in some small way, was doing my part to help our environment.
During this whole process I have met a lot of wonderful and very talented people and have created a bond of friendship with many of them ~ one of the added perks! I know that starting an online business is time consuming and can take several years to really catch on so I'm keeping my spirits up and trying to promote my site the best I can. It has truly been a wonderful learning experience and I now know more about business, the internet, marketing, etc., etc. than I could have ever imagined. I know that some day soon my business will take off and I will be fulfilled not only not only in my bank account but more importantly, in my heart.
* I want to take this time to thank all of my artistic vendors without whom there would be no Our Enchanted Children. And a special thank-you to my web designer and now good friend, Denise Clenney ~ you're one in a million and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your hard work and the confidence you have in me.

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